Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wish us well...

Despite our reservations we are giving it a shot and seeing if training Little R in training pants gets us anywhere.  Rolled up the carpet, of course.  This feels much like housebreaking a dog.

What we save on diapers will probably be made up for in paper towels and Clorox spray.


  1. Ooo good luck! I have zero experience with potty training so I cracked up about the rug. Probably a really good idea though!

  2. Thanks! It is not the method I would have liked to have ended up with but these pull ups are so absorbent she never knows they are wet. Technology is making my job harder!

  3. Good luck! I think there are some sort of pull ups that have a "wetness detector" or something like that--basically they let your child feel that they are wet. But it's been awhile since I saw a commercial for them, so I have no idea what brand they were. It's certainly not a necessity, though. And it does feel a lot like training a dog, but at least you don't have to go out in the cold to potty train a kid.
