There are times when having two kids under three seems like it may have been a bit of an ambitious idea. Sometimes it seems like there is only screaming and toy stealing. Not to mention endless clothes changing and the daunting task of strapping everyone into carseats in their winter clothes in the subzero temps. I realize it is an ordinary complaint. Many people have two kids in three years. It isn't anything remarkable. Still, there are days when I wonder how everyone else is doing it.
Then, there are days like this where I realize that the kids are going to be just fine and maybe even occupy each other once in awhile.
Is this playing together or is Sweet Z just super tolerant of having buckets strapped on his head?
That may be an ordinary complaint, as you say, but it continues to baffle me how anyone manages to deal with one, much less two kids. I often look around at people and just think, "Really? You did this? Are you sure because I don't think this is something that ordinary humans can manage." Hopefully as they get older, R and Z will play together (occupy each other) more and more. I hear, from other extraordinary humans with 2 close in age, that this does in fact happen!