Let's recap since I'm feeling unproductive today and maybe I'll realize we've all actually accomplished something these past few weeks.
Oh, yeah, we went to Cabo San Lucas where Sweet Z had to be reacquainted with an outside world that didn't involve protective wind gear.
And Little R kissed a dolphin! She also danced with him which was, by far, the highlight of her life to date.
We tried to teach the kids to swim but they were too weighed down by their Duggar inspired swim attire to make any real progress.
We also scared Little R with statues of sombrero wearing men.
Then, we went home to a snowstorm and ate candy for breakfast. Sweet Z is still wondering where his bunny is.
But the best news is that Little R is officially potty trained! This should really be a separate post as I have lots of thoughts on what it was to potty train a two year old. I was totally psyched out by the overabundance of advice and horror stories I found on the internet. Truth was, once we set our minds to it and made sure not to back track or give up it all worked out in a few weeks. Nowadays Little R is running around in Cinderella underpants and going to the bathroom like a big kid. Such a huge relief!
This is a strategically shot photo that only gives the viewer the illusion that Sweet Z can move himself forward.
Sweet Z has not learned to crawl despite the fact that he rocks on his hands and knees and then throws himself forward a mere 1300 times a day. Little R never crawled and it never mattered much to me whether she did or not but Sweet Z needs to get a move on here because I don't know how much longer I can stand putting him back in a sitting position just to see him launch himself onto his face five seconds later.
Photo taken just three days ago. Yes, in Mid-April.
Lastly, we have been stuck in the snow. All spring. I have a pretty reasonable tolerance for winter weather but this has gone beyond the bounds of anything I am equipped to handle. Today is the first day in at least 6 months that I can say we may be able to honestly tell ourselves that the snow will disappear for the season. The City of Fargo officials must agree with me since they are predicting a May 1st crest of 38-41 feet and are currently begging for everyone to make half a million more sandbags. We don't live in the flood plain right now. Let's hope a record flood doesn't change that!
My eyes can't even adjust to the snow after all of those warm vacation photos, you poor things! Hoping for a quick melt and no floods. I think candy for breakfast is only fair until every last flake is gone.